By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Some of my soil in my front garden that I have nearly finished revamping is very heavy and sticky like clay, I would like to find a quick fix to make it more workable as my bulb's really nead to be planted which we have just bought. And when Iv'e put them in I'll cover the ground in chicken wire to keep then there squirrals from digging um up lol. Jackie :o)))

2 Nov, 2010
Thanks Beattie. Yes! It is the bed where the bamboo is, to the right the soil is lovely but to the left is orrible lol, Oh! Well, better get out there and make a start then. :o))))
2 Nov, 2010
Sand, grit and soil conditioner but, as Beattie says, it won't happen overnight. Dig the stuff in now, plant your bulbs and then cover with an organic mulch for the winter and let it rot into the soil.
2 Nov, 2010
Thank's Bulbaholic, I have a lot of wood chippings that I shreaded last year from some of the trees we cut down so I will put a nice thick layer down and cover with the chicken wire till I can see sign's of the bulbs coming through & then put the thick branches I saved to give it a woods look. :O)))
2 Nov, 2010
The only fix I know of is to add organic material, which will improve any soil, and as yours is clay to dig in grit and / or sand that will improve drainage. Sorry, quick fixes aren't available as far as I'm aware, but at least the area to be improved isn't too large to deal with if it's just the bed in the photo.
2 Nov, 2010