By Funguy
United Kingdom
Is there a rule of thumb to go by,for when and when not to propagate by division.
I get rather confused. At a friends garden last week she offered her ornamental grasses to me. She has many different var. in her garden, some have flower heads some not and then there where some that looked like they where beginning to brown and die back and some still green and not dieing back.
If i did divided now, would the divisions survive?
2 Nov, 2010
Yes, wait til Spring. Put a note in your diary to ask again for a piece in Spring.
2 Nov, 2010
i have devided a few this week and they are fine but normally spring is the time
4 Nov, 2010
Generally speaking Grasses of the ornamental types are best divided in early Spring. This is when they make new roots. Done now the plants, especially the herbaceous ones, are beginning to go dormant and root activity stops.
2 Nov, 2010