By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi GoY friends and new friends please can you help although i am a keen gardener i am fed up with just putting peanuts out for the birds is there any dried fruits or foods which would be good for them?:))))
2 Nov, 2010
just thought, leftover pototo, and apples that are past their best.there's just a few to try.:o))
2 Nov, 2010
Hi Mark I make cakes for our feathered friends. Take some lard and mix it (hands are best but messy) with nuts, seeds, bread, cheese, mealworms, sultanas, potato,cake etc mix until all combined and then take small handfulls and either shape into balls or flatten them out and present to the birds. Stand back and wait for the feasting to begin. There are many more foods to offer; let your fridge and cupboards offer suggestions. Obviously don't give salty foods.
2 Nov, 2010
They'll east anything Mark - I quite often put out cereals, left over cooked pasta, rice and potatoes, bread, fruit.If you're frying anything, soak the fat up with bread and put that out.
2 Nov, 2010
thank you all im on with treats coming there way :)))))))))))))
2 Nov, 2010
I used to put white bread crumbled out for the birds. They ate it and didn't mind. However, I read recently that white bread is not good for them as they cannot digest it properly, but brown bread is fine, so I buy brown bread mainly for the birds. Perhaps some ornithologist out there can enlighten us?
2 Nov, 2010
apples cut up are good
3 Nov, 2010
thank you noseypotter
, koicarp, im on with it :))
4 Nov, 2010
your welcome mark .
4 Nov, 2010
hi mark, how about currants and sultanas,the blackbirds love them they love grapes as well.the gold finches go mad for niger seed, and the robins love cheese and meal worms. the list is endless really. good luck.
2 Nov, 2010