United Kingdom
what is the best way to treat a lawn that is covered in worm mounds
5 Nov, 2010
I have lots of year in the back garden and I leave them but I do try not to walk on them to discourage self seeding of weeds.
5 Nov, 2010
Previous question
You need a twig broom (besom) or you can use an ordinary broom, to brush them across the lawn to break them up, but obviously, only when they're dry. If you have loads (lucky you, all that free aeration of your lawn) and they're driving you mad, you can lift them off with a trowel, but don't waste the deposits, put them on your borders - very nutritious stuff, worm casts. Otherwise, wait for them to dry out. Or just leave them alone - when spring comes, they'll dry out and dissipate anyway.
5 Nov, 2010