By Nana_d
United Kingdom
Hi I bought a black eyed susan in the summer and it flowered and looked lovely and healthy and now it looks like it has died is that normal? Also do I have to do anything with my wisteria and clematis now or do I wait until the spring? Thanks in advance
7 Nov, 2010
Hi Moon Grower
Thanks for your help the black eyed susan is one that doesn't have a black eye I have lost the details on it I am afraid so I will just leave it and see what happens. I have quite a few clematis one I know is a montana the rest I will have to find the names and post another question then.
8 Nov, 2010
There are several plants with the common name 'black eyed susan' if you mean Rudbeckia hirta or Rudbeckia Goldsturm it does die back in winter and will grow again next spring, if you wish you can tidy it up a bit now. Of course you could mean Thunbergia Alata which is an annual, in this case you simply need to pull it up.
You do not need to do anything to your wisteria and we would need to know which clematis it is in order to advise on pruning.
7 Nov, 2010