By Stroller
west midlands,
United Kingdom
Am I right in thinking I can move my clematis `Dutchess of Edinburgh` now.
7 Nov, 2010
Thanks Louise,
I shall attempt the move as I want to make alterations where it is at present. To be honest it hasn`t been one of the best plants so if I lost it it would be no big deal.
7 Nov, 2010
Yes, I think you're doing the right thing Stroller. I have moved loads of clems around in the past, and although some have taken a year to recover fully, I've never lost any through moving them. However, do try to get as big a root ball as you possibly can. Louise is quite right, they don't enjoy being lifted! Duchess of Ed. is notoriously moody and prone to wilt....I wouldn't grow it here. I had it in my old garden but it only put on a good display in one year out of about 5!
11 Nov, 2010
Thanks Karen.:o)
11 Nov, 2010
11 Nov, 2010
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Clematis dislike root disturbance so unless you can guarantee a perfect rootball it'll die due to the movement, perhaps better to buy another and start it in the chosen position :-/
7 Nov, 2010