By Janpled
United Kingdom
Are Chinese Lanterns fussy about where they like to grow? I have raised them from seed until they were well established plants and put them into my border in the beginning of the summer expecting flowers by the autumn but they don't seem to have put on any growth since and no sign of flowering either. In previous years I have bought plants in flower and put them in but they haven't flowered a second season. My borders have good fertile soil in them.
Any advice would be welcome.
7 Nov, 2010
Thanks Bamboo, then I don't understand where I am going wrong! They grow like weeds in a garden down the road.
7 Nov, 2010
Well yes, the difficulty is usually in keeping their spread restricted, not getting them to grow.
7 Nov, 2010
My first thought is that there is too much shade there. They can tolerate some shade, but not really dark conditions. Other explanations involve a "trouble spot", such as planting over an old tree stump, construction debris, an underground boulder, or suchlike. If you have recently conditioned the soil there with compost of questionable provenance, there may be too much raw organic matter, eating up the nitrogen in the soil. All of those problems would make it hard to grow any plant there, even most weeds.
8 Nov, 2010
Thanks for your thoughts Tug.-
8 Nov, 2010
Previous question
Odd - they like a sunny site, but otherwise grow in ordinary garden soil.
7 Nov, 2010