By Loosehead
United Kingdom
what are ideal conditions for japanese acers
9 Nov, 2010
Shelter from cold (and drying) winds, and perhaps some relief from the hottest sun, especially the cut-leafed green ones. However, I grow all my red ones in full sun (and a nurseryman friend of mine has ALL his acers in hot glasshouses, where they thrive!). The important thing is that don't like to dry out, and drying winds cause them to transpire through the leaves faster than they can absorb water up the system from the roots. The leaves then shrivel up at the tips. That doesn't mean they should be in a damp position, either. In the right place, they're easy to grow. I've not lost a single one (I've always got at least 25 in stock, some medium, some large), and apart from standing them at the front of my house (where I should have car parking space!), facing south, in full sun, but away from the north and east, they get no special care. Phil
9 Nov, 2010
Agree with Phil, I suppose dappled shade away from cold winds is ideal, but many can be grown in full sun with adequate moisture, especially the purple and green leaf forms. Most of the variegated and translucent varieties will do better in part or dappled shade.
9 Nov, 2010
Previous question
cool dappled shade for best results although they are quite tough they will burn under direct sun & wind burn in exposed situations. I grow mine under net shade in the summer & bring them out into the open for the autumn, they are in pots ( see photo's )
9 Nov, 2010