The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

I'm sure there is a blog somewhere about down/up loading photos but I can't seem to find it. Would someone be kind enough please to guide me to the blog, or give me simple, step by step instructions to enable me to do a blog and include titled photos with comments. It's probably best to assume that I am totally clueless so that I don't miss any of the steps. Thank you. :(



OK. Are you sitting comfortably?

1. Go to 'Write a blog'
2) Type in your title.
3) Choose which category at the bottom.
4) Type your first sentence/s until you want to add a photo.
5) Click on 'add photos'
6) If the photo you want is already on your photo page, find it, click on it and it will appear in your blog at once. If you want a photo out of your files, then click 'browse'.
7) Find the photo from your files and click 'add photo'.
8) Watch the little green line move along until you get a message to say your photo has been upoloaded.
9) Type the next bit underneath the line of writing that is your photo.
10) Add another one, the same...and so on.

Always remember that a photo will appear at the bottom of your blog - if you want to move it, you can, by highlighting it with your mouse, cut it, then paste it where you want it in the text.

At any time, you can press 'preview' and see what your blog looks like. Then return to your blog by 'continue editing'.

I do hope this helps, Silverbell. Please ask if I can help further. Good luck!

10 Nov, 2010


Thanks Spritz. Watch this space (might have a long wait though!) I've copied down all your instructions and will now give it another go. Many thanks. x

10 Nov, 2010


Brilliant, Spritz ! ! It worked this time. You're an angel. Thank you. :))

10 Nov, 2010


Spritz is certainly an angel, isn't she? Always so clear :o)))

10 Nov, 2010


Oh, I'm soooo pleased, Silverbell. I'll go and read the result now! Well done...:-)))

Oh Pip! <blush, blush>.

10 Nov, 2010


Hey spritz - have you seen my 'For Spritz' blog????

10 Nov, 2010


NO? I'm off to look straight away! :-))))

10 Nov, 2010



10 Nov, 2010


Bye! \./ \./ \./

10 Nov, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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