The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

British Columbia, Canada

Perovskia atripicifolia 'Little Spire'
Dwarf Russian Sage
I bought three of these this year, wishing for an airy effect in certain areas.
My question is, what can I expect from these plants, are they invasive and how hard should I prune before winter. We have heavy snows and often the ground freezes before snowfall. I can still transplant them. I have one in one of the two garden rooms which comprise my Secret Garden, both 'room' on the small side. My Blue Light clematis in two feet away and this is my concern.
Thank you.



They're not a bit invasive, Clementine. They're very well-behaved plants. It's best to leave cutting them back until the spring, when you can see new buds appearing. Cut hard back into the previous year's growth, to about 2-3" from the woody part.

12 Nov, 2010


Clementine, it's quite possible in our climate that they will die right back to the ground. However, they will sprout up again in the spring from the roots. As Spritz says, leave them until the spring and then see. I think you'll probably find that they'll need cutting right back.
Sorry Spritz...just a bit harsher over the winter here. :o)

13 Nov, 2010


No apology needed - you know better than I do about how plants behave in Canada! :-)))

13 Nov, 2010



14 Nov, 2010


Much better for you to warn Clementine, so that it doesn't come as a shock to her!

14 Nov, 2010


Thank you both for your advice. I do appreciate it.
I am so pleased they are not invasive.

15 Nov, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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