By Aina
United Kingdom
I have a christmas cactus that has started to flower but only on one side of the plant. The other side of the plant looks healthy, but no signs of new growth coming.
The plant is sitting on my kitchen window sill as it has donw for the last 4 years.
Could any body tell me what could have happened?
14 Nov, 2010
i bet thats the egsact reasen moon grower x .
14 Nov, 2010
I have several and I deliberately allow them this one sided growth then when in flower I move them to a corner where all the flowers are then on show. They are lovely plants too.
14 Nov, 2010
Also, they require short days and long nights to form flower buds. The buds will be delayed or prevented entirely on the side that is more exposed to artificial light.
17 Nov, 2010
No problem with short days and long night in Scotland... goes with the season
17 Nov, 2010
But only outside! Stay up late to do the dishes, and the poor confused cactus thinks it's summer again!
21 Nov, 2010
Well we usually keep our Christmas cacti in the front porch which rarely has any light at night BUT it also used to flower in spring and summer (when we have light for 20+ hours). I decided it was because I would let it almost dry our before watering again. Last winters big freeze killed it off but I've just bought two small ones in bud, will see how they fare.
21 Nov, 2010
Summer flowering isn't unheard of, MG, and drought can trigger it. As with any succulent, though, too little water is better than too much water!
22 Nov, 2010
Do you remember to turn the plant regularly? If nor one side will be getting far more sun than the other - this can cause uneven growth and flowering.
14 Nov, 2010