By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi GoY friends new and old .Me and my wife planted nearly 350 bulbs today what a task.Some of which i have planted into pots ,i was just wondering do i need to move these into my greenhouse for the winter?:))))
14 Nov, 2010
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spring bulbs
Excessive wet during the dormant season is the main enemy of bulbs. Pots do not drain as readily as the open garden so I give overhead protection to the pots not worrying so much about freezing, unless this is likely to be excessive.
14 Nov, 2010
All my bulbs that are planted in pots go into the unheated greenhouse for the winter period, then come early spring I pop them outside to get some refreshing rain, they will also be growing quite well by then.
14 Nov, 2010
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Generally speaking spring bulbs do not need to be in a glasshouse over winter. However, if prolonged frost which freezes the pots is forecast then they would be better given some protection , especially if the compost is wet. We usually keep the pots on the south side of the workshed, at the base of the wall. If Maurandia barclayana can survive there then so can our bulbs.
14 Nov, 2010