By Flook
For leaves in plastic bags are holes to let air in or water out ? Are a couple enough ?
15 Nov, 2010
A couple aren't really enough - I spike my bags all round.
15 Nov, 2010
Oops missed that Spritz. no a couple of holes is nothing like enough! Make lots...
15 Nov, 2010
That's the best bit - 'killing' the bag, MG!!! LOL.
15 Nov, 2010
I spike mine all over to keep the heat from building as they need cold to decompose (unlike a compost bin that needs heat). I dont do it for water as they are wet when they go in and hidden under bushes would get much water on them anyway.
16 Nov, 2010
More to let water in than anything else, though they need air to decompose properly as well.
15 Nov, 2010