By Niknat
United Kingdom
I want to move a ceanothus that is quite well established. Can you give me any tips when to move it and whether I should cut it back.
15 Nov, 2010
they're not long lived shrubs either, usual lifespan about ten years, sometimes 15,if you're lucky. Probably best to plan on buying a new one to plant in Spring.
15 Nov, 2010
If I were to try, I'd do it in the spring too. Quite a few were lost over winter last.
16 Nov, 2010
They can be propagated from cuttings in summer, so if you can wait, take some next year and have a free replacement! Once you start to cut them back it's the beginning of the end, too. Next year you cut off more (brown, dead wood) then more after that....
16 Nov, 2010
Ceanothus don't make a good rootball, in fact, none at all. As a result, when they are lifted, the soil falls off the rots and the plants usually die. If you can lift the plant with a rootball intact there's a chance it'll survive, but it's worse than touch and go! Phil
15 Nov, 2010