By Raymondo13
United Kingdom
Hello, I have know idea what is causes this? Is there anything I can do to stop it happening again...

15 Nov, 2010
Is that recently laid turf? If so, I would suspect a badger. No animal cuts and then lifts turf, as that appears to be. Unless it's recently laid, and a badger has torn it back to get at worms, then someone's having a laugh with you. Phil
15 Nov, 2010
I agree, a Badger is the likely culprit.
16 Nov, 2010
.....or could it be wild pigs?....a friend of mine who lives out in the countryside has loads of problems with those "beasts".
16 Nov, 2010
Is there any sign of poo anywhere? That would help narrow the culprit down if you know (or know someone) what you're looking at.
If only it were wild boar........fantastic meat!
16 Nov, 2010
Any footprints in that earth ......I wonder? Wild piggies in your garden........such exciting possibilities!!! I thought nappy bag foxes were pretty ghastly in our garden.
16 Nov, 2010
Highly unlikely to be wild pigs and when they dig they keep going down not just flipping turfs over.
16 Nov, 2010
The grass (nowhere near good enough to call it "lawn") in my last garden used to look like a scale model of the Somme every winter. I never knew if it was badgers or foxes that did the damage - we had both. The culprits were looking for worms / grubs I assumed.
Another reason for not having grass in my present place, which is next door.....
16 Nov, 2010
Raymondo, help us out. Any footprints? Is it new turf? We'd like to solve your little problem, as you can see. Phil
16 Nov, 2010
Badgers do make the lawn look like a ploughed field when they root around for grubs and worms. I should know - it used to make me weep every morning after they'd visited! (OH put up an electric fence eventually...)
What they CAN'Tdo is cut turf as in the photo!!!!
16 Nov, 2010
Raymondo, could you please explain what's happening here? Your photo seems to show a patch of grass which has been cut and folded back on itself in several places in an area.
15 Nov, 2010