Vigna caracella
By Sid
United Kingdom
I have been sent 7 of these very precious hard-to-come-by seeds and I don't want to risk doing anything wrong! Anyone successfully grow this plant from seed? Any advice greatly appreciated :-)
On plant
Vigna caracella
31 Aug, 2008
Thanks Barbara. I can't decide whether to risk sowing them now or leave it until Spring. the pros and cons are - the seed is reasonable fresh now, but I don't know whether I can sustain a temp of min 10 degrees - I could have it in the house, but my windowsills arn't very good for plants - all narrow with a radiator underneath, etc. I wonder what sort of light levels they need? An older plant might not mind less-than idea conditions, but seedlings I think would be more fussy. If I leave till spring then that's a shorter growing season. Oh, help!
31 Aug, 2008
Well, why not plant just one seed now and leave the rest until the spring? That way, you won't have lost much if it doesn't thrive.
31 Aug, 2008
True.......but I've only got 7 seeds, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....I SO much want these plants to survive.
No. Get a grip Sarah. Ok I'll sow just one and see what happens. Thank Barbara ;-)
31 Aug, 2008
You're welcome. You can blame me if it goes wrong! It always helps to have somebody to blame, doesn't it - and of course, YOU take the credit if all goes well!
31 Aug, 2008
Its all your fault Barbara that my grass is ten inches tall lol
Lynne x
Got to blame somebody lol
31 Aug, 2008
Gee thanks, Lynne! Actually, it's my husband's fault 'cos he's in charge of grass cutting around here!
31 Aug, 2008
In that case, he needs a good talking to, which I will leave to you lol.
Lynne x
1 Sep, 2008
I looked it up in my RHS book and it says sow in autumn or spring at 13-18 degrees - pot on into JI 2 and grow in full light. They need a liquid feed every month and can be susceptible to red spider mite and whitefly!!! They need a temperature of not less than 10 - 15 degrees to survive. Sounds as if you need more than good luck, Sid!
31 Aug, 2008