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I know my onions. But not what's eating them...


By Sid

Hereford, United Kingdom

For the last few years I've had a problem with little pale catapillars burrowing into the crowns of my leeks and eating them from the inside out. As if this wasn't bad enough, I've just discovered they've attacked this years onions as well. Not happy. Does anyone know what they are and how to deal with them? I'm guessing it's some kind of moth. My books say nothing eats onions!



there are pests that attack onions/garlic , in fact just about anything that grows seems to have a pest attatched to it!!
do you rotate your crops, this is very important and is your 1st line of defence, before resorting to chemicals or sprays.
i have not had this problem , but i am sure others on this site will have , so hopefully you may get a more expert reply.

1 Sep, 2008


Hi Steve - thanks for that. This is the first crop of onions from this particular bit of garden, but the old patch was not far away - problem with growing veg in a small back-garden plot - there just isn't the scope to properly rotate I'm afraid :-( The leeks were badly effected by these critters last year, but they didn't get the onions. This year it was the onions turn. Hope someone can help me on this........ :-(

1 Sep, 2008

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