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Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Fungus ID..if possible this Honey Fungus ?



Check all the undersides, or more of them if you can - honey fungus has a cottony ring or collar just under the cap at the top, and that is not evident on the sample in the second photograph. Another clue is if they're fused at the base, but the ring is definitive. As I'm sure you know, there is more than one variety of honey fungus, and they can look quite different otherwise. Flesh should be white inside and have a strong, sweet smell.

21 Nov, 2010


I will suggest - Common Funnel Cap? such as Tawny FC? as its growing in leaf debris.

21 Nov, 2010


dont think its honey fungus. so you can relax. Drc suggestion sounds a strong candidate.

21 Nov, 2010


Thanks everyone, the fungus is within the root spread from a very old copper beach in the corner of the garden, which is infected with a bracket fungus (don't know which one!...although it has that lovely white underbelly) and i have found plenty of bootlaces in the ground around the tree, so i assume Honey Fungus is present, but could never really ID the fruiting bodies with any certainty.

21 Nov, 2010


I'm so sorry to hear that, Bs. I hope you can contain it.

21 Nov, 2010


I do hope all will be well for you BS

21 Nov, 2010


I've coped with it for over 12 years now, so not too worried, most plants in that area are either perennial, although some woody ones can be susceptible or tress and shrubs that are resistant. All other beds within distance have barriers at least 2-3 feet into the ground to help protect other plants.

21 Nov, 2010


Sounds like hard work though as you have a lot of trees.

21 Nov, 2010


I have one of the honey fungus ones but no bootlaces. The toadstools dont look like these though BS.

21 Nov, 2010


Lift a few bootlaces and they should fluoresce in the pitch dark with a faint greenish glow. Armillaria is the only fungus in this country to do so.

23 Nov, 2010


There will be a wide array of different species of fungi in any given area, so it's possible that you do have Armillaria mellea present too, but the fruiting bodies that you have photographed belong to Clitocybe nebularis - the Clouded Agaric AKA Clouded Funnel - an extremely common and widespread species that appear in "troops" in leaf litter and woodland margins.

30 Nov, 2010


Thanks Ilex, I did think they were as I get funnels from time to time in my woody part - since I had some trees removed a few years ago its less dense and I seem to get more not less Fungus? I tend to leave them alone.

2 Dec, 2010


Sorry, just got back here...thanks for that info Ilex, and all the other contributions from everyone, it's appreciated.

2 Dec, 2010


Have you got much snow BS? does it do much damage/

2 Dec, 2010


Hi Denise, we got out first major snowfall yesterday, about 4-5 inches I guess. It can damage some conifers, they tend to open up with the weight of the snow, mainly Lawsons and Thujas, but most bounce back after a short while

3 Dec, 2010


Thats good to hear BS

4 Dec, 2010

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