what is the best variety of grape vine to grow for the leaves. I love domades and would like to grow my own vine. Is there a vine that is suitable to produce both grapes and leaves. I live outside Sydney Australia.
22 Nov, 2010
there are veriaties bred for there leaves as i have one . there ornimentle grapevines . mine grows ninty feet on the packet . an awsome plant and easy to grow . one of my faverites .
22 Nov, 2010
I have Pinot Noir for grapes and leaves. It gives fabulous autumn colour. Whether it is the best I couldn't say. Most vines are probably colourful in the autumn,.if there is an autumn where you are in Oz.
22 Nov, 2010
this veiety has huge leaves dorjac .
22 Nov, 2010
Any of the European grapes (Vitis vinifera) should work fine. I particularly like the taste of 'Flame' seedless leaves. The leaves of American and American Hybrid varieties are usually too tough and fuzzy.
22 Nov, 2010