By Aloha
how to propagate aloha lily?
- 24 Nov, 2010
it could also be eucomis. Aloha lily is also a common name for this plant. This is a bulb so it will naturally divide itself. you can also grow it from seed too.
24 Nov, 2010
When someone from B.C. first asked about the Aloha lily, I researched what it was, and it is a registered trademark for an Eucomis comosa developed by a company in California, so you have to wait for the bulb to grow to dividing size (about 3-4 years). Seed may not come true. It is an amazing red and I see why you want more. I have seed for the E. pole-evansil ( the 4-5 foot tall pineapple lily ) and will be trying that this next year.
25 Nov, 2010
Eucomis can also be propagated by leaf-cuttings - in fact our very own GOY contributor Fractal has written an illustrated blog about exactly how to do this - see below:
30 Nov, 2010
this is one of the Cannas, as far as I'm aware - keep frost free over winter, next spring, turn out of its container, and you will probably find the corm or rhizome is twice the size it was - you can then split it and pot the sections separately.
24 Nov, 2010