By Argentaangel
United Kingdom
Hi I have a potted hydranga on my patio ( I live in central London) it still has green leaves on it - what should I do with it this winter. I bought it has a large flowering plant. Do I need to wrap it in bubble wrap and put leaves on it and should I still water it and how often - please?
Many thanks
24 Nov, 2010
I bet the leaves aren't green today!!
26 Nov, 2010
Has London had 'it' then, Volunteer?
26 Nov, 2010
No snow yet, but very frosty and cold. Maybe tonight?
29 Nov, 2010
We had some on Friday here, but it went on Saturday. It's really cold, though. It has crawled up to 1.5 degrees today. Brrrrrrr..
29 Nov, 2010
Finally got snow overnight and it's been falling all day!
30 Nov, 2010
Still no more here, thank goodness. It can keep well away, as far as I'm concerned! How about Siberia? LOL
30 Nov, 2010
If it's one of the 'ornamental' patio-pot type of Hydrangeas, the ones with pretty coloured edges to the flowers, then it's not hardy and you may lose it unless you can put in under glass or in a very sheltered corner, fleeced and with bubble wrap round the pot.
If it's not one of those, then yes, I would still wrap bubble wrap round the pot, to avoid the rootball from freezing. Don't water it much during the winter - only in mild periods, and then just to dampen the compost. Leave the dead flower heads on, which also give some protection to the new shoots forming.
25 Nov, 2010