Gardener's World:Carol Klein on the science of gardening?
By Bamboo
United Kingdom
Gardener's World:
Anyone watch last night's edition with Carol Klein on the science of gardening? I haven't heard cytokines, auxin and giberellin since I did my training, all very interesting and a bit of a refresher, though not exactly in depth. And surely Carol Klein knows this stuff already, doesn't she? Was she just pretending ignorance for the viewer's benefit, what do you reckon?
27 Nov, 2010
I missed the prog, though I'd noticed it looked interesting when browsing beforehand...
With terms like that, I think the layman/woman needs someone to feign ignorance helpfully.
27 Nov, 2010
I know when I do the radio progs. the presenter always asks questions they already know the answer to.
27 Nov, 2010
No, I've not met her Worthy - but I don't agree that the programme was only for horticulturalists - it wasn't detailed enough on the science front, loads more left out, but I'd have thought it would have been really interesting for ordinary gardeners, particularly in the way it was presented - science made simple, and I don't mean that in a derogatory way.
27 Nov, 2010
I recorded the Carol Klein show to watch again later when I'm more awake... and I recorded the programme which followed... Clare Balding in Lynton and Lynmouth... excellent I shall enjoy seeing both shows again ...
I guess Carol already knew some of the information in the programme, but she is clever enough to ask the questions in a way the viewers would appreciate, and she genuinely enjoyed having all those specialists with their knowledge and "equipment" in her garden !
.... and I like "Fleur"... her Lakeland-type Terrier ... Lol...:o)
27 Nov, 2010
I watched last nights programme and found its content of interest. Which says something as I havent stuck with it for years.
27 Nov, 2010
You and me both, Drc, I only watched this one to check the content because I knew the subject matter.
27 Nov, 2010
Same here!
27 Nov, 2010
I watched it and found it interesting. The only trouble is, if there were 'questions' to follow I might fail the test. Like TT I would need a refresher to take it all in better. I like Carol Klein. She is allowed to be older and wiser on the Beeb, which is getting a bit rare in these dumbed down, spray tanned, botoxed days of HDTV. Also if it is your speciality you DO know. Just as I know Nat and phys. I know what a malleus and a pineal and odontoid is cos I just know!!I like little doggies in the veggie garden, specially when they catch a rat, as in one TV programme.
28 Nov, 2010
Have you met her? If you had, you'd see why I ask. It's occasionally disappointing! Those terms are for the trained horticulturist . . . . Worthy
27 Nov, 2010