By Kenster
United States
how can i get rid of bamboo it is spreading everywhere
1 Sep, 2008
A JCB might be useful... Bamboo is a type of grass and spreads via underground runners. Bit late now, but they are best planted in big containers to contain the roots.
1 Sep, 2008
Use your spade and chop through the roots where you want to stop the Bamboo spreading. Take out the canes you don't want. Then dig a trench and put a metal barrier in to stop more spread. I've heard from a friend that this worked.
1 Sep, 2008
Visit my GOY blog on the subject
2 Sep, 2008
hi i had a bamboo plant and could not grow it they say if bamboo flowers it then dies which happened to mine so they say anyway i know its maybe not much good to you
1 Sep, 2008