The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

I have a Canna Indica potted up in the house. It stood 5ft tall but the leaves started to dry out and go crisp. I read that you should cut back hard and new shoots should appear in Spring. is this correct? I also have a couple of the same plant potted up in the green house, which I want to plant in the garden next spring. Is this wise?

Asked from the GoYpedia cannas page



Usual procedure with these is to start them into growth early in the year under glass or in the house, and then move outside at the end of May, either in pots or the ground, and then bring them back to shelter for the winter, allowing them to go dormant and rest all winter.
The one you have as a houseplant is probably not appreciating dry air in the house, so I would cut it down and let it rest - there's a large corm/rhizome at the base, and often this needs splitting when it gets so large it fills the pot.

9 Dec, 2010

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