By Rogi
To all green house owners.
For christmas my family want to buy me a small aluminium green house, 1.90mtrs X 1.90 mtrs X 1.90 mtrs with 4mm double polycarbonate panels. My question is: do I need to put it on a concrete base or can I put it straight on the ground..what is your expierience?. Of course I will put it up when all the bad weather has gone in spring. Thanks for any answers.
14 Dec, 2010
I agree with Drbob, mine is on a 6" wide concrete strip, with wooden battons on top, with pavers down the middle. Hubby put the wood down to alow some give when the frame heats up in sumer. Soil beds either side of the path to plant in.
Mine has been insitu now for 14yrs and apart fro the odd broken pane it is still doing well.
14 Dec, 2010
Our greenhouses are on plinths rather than a concrete floor. We have a hard walkway down the middle to keep our feet clean but the strips at each side are bare soil.
14 Dec, 2010
Thanks for the answers and advice. I thought about putting bricks at the 4 corners.. 2 bricks at right angels...down at earth level and the rest of the frame on bare soil.
14 Dec, 2010
It really need fastening down, Rogi, because of the danger of strong winds moving it. You may find that the greenhouse comes complete with pegs for this purpose. Our latest greenhouse came with several pegs with hooks at the top end to fit over the frame. I dug small holes where each peg was to go and filled them with cement - I used much more cement than anticipated but the greenhouse is well anchored.
14 Dec, 2010
Not really enough to take the weight Rogi, if you fit a bench to one side which is often done the weight can be more to one side. You may get away with 4 18inch slabs, one on each corner, buy 8 and you have a path and 4 corners, how does that sound to you. Don't forget it must be anchored to the ground on each corner.
14 Dec, 2010
Ah! Bulbaholic just beat me about the anchoring, great minds.
14 Dec, 2010
It will need a firm base all around the edges or the soil will shift and the g house will not be 'square' and could crack. Also, as others say, it needs to be anchored. Best to do a good job the first time as these things are not easy to rectify later. Do some planning for the job during these dark days! If you take time to build it properly you'll have years of pleasure from it.
15 Dec, 2010
Thanks for all the answers, they are very much appreciated.
15 Dec, 2010
An update on "my" green house ! has been ordered from ebay and it will be delivered in the next 2 weeks, so watch this space for photos!.
17 Jan, 2011
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Rigi, Don't have the whole base of concrete, the best way is to have a brick square edge with movable slabs as a path and a slab as a doorstep outside. Site your Greenhouse North to South with the doorway South. Good luck with it and Happy Xmas.
14 Dec, 2010