By Soniahallett
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i was given a orchid back in march this year (phalaenopsis)it has bloomed on two stems throughout the year with about fifty new buds now it has about fifteen new buds i have not watered it for a month or fed it because i thought it was surposed to be resting for december and january what do i do with it now sonia hallett
On plant
Phalaenopsis aphrodite
14 Dec, 2010
Even in the cooler months, they still like a little water every few weeks. They like good light too, but not direct sunlight. Don't give up - it should be fine - though some don't last more than about six months.
14 Dec, 2010
I have nine of them on my kitchen window ledge. Two have just come into flower Sonia. Some of them four or five years old. Four have budded basal shoots about a foot long. Two have small shoots coming from the pruned stem. The only one with no shoots is making a new leaf. I get the impression they slow down, not close down. So a little room temperature rainwater when the pot gets really light......does not have to be rainwater...but nice if available. In early autumn they were nearly all in bloom and making new leaves and roots of both kinds. They do not seem to make new flower sprouts until the old flower spike is spent and removed. The commercial growers are 100% better at it than we are, and can grow 2 spikes, but only one of my orchids has a 2nd spike and that is an axil shoot. If someone presents me with one, I have to decide which one goes....shame.
15 Dec, 2010
As long as it continues to bloom treat it as normal.
The only sure thing about orchids is that they'll do what they want, if they want!
To be fair, during the winter our days are short so I tend to move mine nearer to the window at this time of year. But only do this is your window area is draught free! It is still important at this time of year to keep the humidity up.
Dorjac - one of my Phals has been in bloom for most of 2010 with two spikes. One was an old one that set a side spike going off of the cut "finished" stem and the other was a new stem. Another Phal has just done a similar thing, but the original stem had just been dormant for a couple of months before setting new buds and a whole new stem too!
15 Dec, 2010
Sorry Meanie I meant two new flower spikes, not one from a cut spike sideshoot. Just to say again they slow down in winter but they like a bit of a drink and maybe a tiny touch of food if, there are blooms, new shoots to develope or buds to open. If not, and they are a clutter in the way....hope you get a prezzie or treat yourself to a splendid one with jazzy flowers and a posh pot and enjoy.
16 Dec, 2010
I 'd certainly water it lighty and enjoy all the flowers still to come.
14 Dec, 2010