By Davr
United Kingdom
I have taken in a Fuschia for winter.
Does it need water added at certain times,
until it goes back out after the frosts.
19 Dec, 2010
If this is a hardy fuchsia then it is better for it not to be indoors but outside covered in fleece if necessary. Otherwise keep it lightly watered but err on the side of dryness keeping the compost just moist.
19 Dec, 2010
Don't move it outside now, hardy or not - its not clear whether you simply want to keep the plant more or less dormant, but alive, or whether you're treating it as a houseplant and letting it grow properly. If you're just keeping it alive but dormant, give some water when you see the leaves droop. In an unheated room, that would probably be a couple of times over winter, in a heated room, more often.
19 Dec, 2010
Bamboo/Moon Growe/80smaniac
Thanks to all 3 of you.
Your advice is very helpful.
A Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2011
20 Dec, 2010
And Christmas felicitations to you, Davr
20 Dec, 2010
Indeed Season's Greetings.
20 Dec, 2010
Previous question
just a little water once a month i think
19 Dec, 2010