By Love3garden
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have spring cabbages growing in my back yard and covered them up with fleece before the snow and freezing temperatures kicked in. I am now worried that they are not getting any water as they are not being snowed on and i'm not sure how to water them in this weather? Did i do the right thing in covering them and how worried should i be about them not getting enough water? This is my first time growing spring cabbages and i don't have a clue about growing over-wintering veg so any advice would be great.
26 Dec, 2010
Hi. We've got it pretty rough here as well. I wouldn't worry at all. You probably didn't need to fleece unless they were *very* small in which case they would have been better under glass. Brassicas are totally hardy. It won't hurt though. They won't need watering whilst the weather is like this and when (I nearly said 'if') the snow melts it will run through the fleece which is permeable. On the odd chance that your spring cabbage is not hardy then you won't need to water anyway. Just leave them till happier times, and if they look a bit bedraggled they should recover eventually.
26 Dec, 2010