By Stickitoffee
United Kingdom
I have been given a beautiful white camelia for the garden ~ apparantly it was semi-sheltered at the GC ~ i am afraid to put it out in the garden yet ~ any suggestions? its in the garage at the moment ~ frost free but no light!
29 Dec, 2010
As SBG says, it's got to go out sooner or later! If it's in flower, then it might be wise to keep it somewhere cool and light (conservatory) to preserve the flower, as the white flowered camellias are the first to show staining and damage from frost, (pinks and reds seem much less tender), so it will quickly show you if it's been cold overnight! Is it to go in the ground or stay in a container? Whatever your wishes, it must be that the plant ends up outside sooner rather than later, although for the first few weeks I would protect it from frost as it's probably been in a mild environment to bring on the flower, and will not appreciate severe cold yet. Worthy
29 Dec, 2010
fleece is a good idea ~ thanks
i was intending to put it into the ground ~ i have a good place for it, although its a bit near where the builders are working so it will have to stay in its pot for a bit.
tomorrow i will do the hoki coki round the garden with my plant in a fleece ~ i do hope no one is looking!!
it has quite a few buds and one is opening but no flowers yet, it could perhaps go by the front door where it would get some shelter from the wind? it would face west but its sheltered to some extent??
29 Dec, 2010
I think I'd love to watch you hokey cokey-ing around the garden :o) the west is good. General advice is to plant it clear of the east as the morning sun can damage the buds if they are frosted.
29 Dec, 2010
ok, thank you ~ i know where to put it now
BUT ~ no peeking!!!
29 Dec, 2010
spoil sport :o)
29 Dec, 2010 has lots of interesting information for anyone interested in camellias. I have two in the garden.A white semi double E T R Carlyon Williamsii and Donation which is also a williamsii hybrid. It is a pink semi double. Both do flower profusely and I prefer them to my rhododendrons. If I had known earlier that I could get hardy camellias I would have chosen them over the rhodos. Congratulations on your gift and a happy new year.
30 Dec, 2010
Sticki, just a bit of useless info really about the hokey cokey, if you decide to do it. The composer of the song actually died 2 weeks ago, 97 yrs old. The problems started when the undertaker got the coffin and tried to put his left leg in !! X
30 Dec, 2010
thats very funny LL ~ sorry he or she died but that made me laugh!!!
thanks scotsgran ~ i shall follow that up.
30 Dec, 2010
Hope it survives better than the ones we have tried to grow here. The last one of the soi-dit hardy ones has definitely gone this winter and that was in the most sheltered part of this garden.
30 Dec, 2010
and you are not so far from me in worcestershire!!? i already have 3 or more, one is very large and flowers really well [a deep pink coloured one]
30 Dec, 2010
Read the temperatures given for either Newport or Shawbury in Shropshire, we are on the same isotherm as they are.
30 Dec, 2010
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« I have an Elephant's Ear plant indoors - it's reached the ceiling and I would...
I'd do the hokey kokey with it :o) Outside during the day and in during the night. Only shake off excess moisture when you bring it in. Unless you have a hard frost during the day it will be fine. You could fleece it too.
29 Dec, 2010