By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Is there a way of getting GoY members listed alphabetically?
Do I need to suggest this to Peter/Ajay or can we do it now.
I m trying to track down a member that I havent spoken with for several months now.
31 Dec, 2010
thanks TT, i have sent you a pm. Though dont spend too much trawling the site. I got fed up after 10mins :o)
31 Dec, 2010
Found it easily... have sent you a p.m.
Message me any time if you can't find anything and I'll do my best to help. :o) x
31 Dec, 2010
Finally managed to follow the link. Thanks so much. I trawled 10 pages before posting the question. but I notice the members come up in a different order every time I look.
31 Dec, 2010
Glad I was of help ... any time ... :o)
31 Dec, 2010
I thought you must be trying to do Terratoonie's new name search, SBG.
1 Jan, 2011
No I havent got round to doing it yet. I had a quick read but the fatigue was getting in the way. Am having a quick catch up now as I am waiting for our friends to come for supper :o)
1 Jan, 2011
I won't be putting the answers on my quiz blogs for quite a while yet, so that should give everyone who would like to have a try, the time and the opportunity. It's a busy time of year !
1 Jan, 2011
Sure is TT. :o)
1 Jan, 2011
Enjoy your supper :o) x
1 Jan, 2011
Hi Seaburngirl...
If you pm me the member's name I'll try to find it for you.
I hope this helps.
I haven't seen an alphabetical list...
31 Dec, 2010