By Joking
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
what can i plant in pots for an all year round colour on a north facing wall.
1 Jan, 2011
What pretty foilage, thanks i have research it and i think it could be possibility. I am new to gardening and know very little. We have just had an extention built to the back of my house and have to start again with the garden so all tips will be recieved gratefully. :)
1 Jan, 2011
i think there is a climbing hydrangea ~ white flowers which likes to be on a north wall.
1 Jan, 2011
Yes, the lovely Hyrdrangea petiolaris is happy facing north . . . not sure it would grow in a pot though as it gets pretty big?
1 Jan, 2011
ah, sorry, forgot that bit.
1 Jan, 2011
I was thinking of an evergreen clematis, but i too had forgotten the pot bit. mind if its a big enough pot and it is kept well fed and watered it should be ok.
1 Jan, 2011
You could try Heuchera as they quite like shade.....but check first on the label if can tolerate full shade. They do survive the winter (even one like this) they flower with pinks reds and whites, on the end of longish stems. The flowers are long lasting. The leaves can be very colourful and they are easy to propagate. Difficult kill off. Avoid compost with any peat in it, as peat encourages vineweevil to take up residence.
2 Jan, 2011
Shady? Skimmias, daphne, rhodos, azaleas (esp. deciduous ones, I just love them), and definitely heucheras and grasses as a combination. Worthy
3 Jan, 2011
just looking up plants to go in deep shade in my book ~ it says: acer, hellebore, dicentra ~ i think they would all go in pots and make a lovely colour combination. Also hostas which will definitely work in pots and foxgloves, pierris which is a fabulous plant i think cos it has all year round colour, also hydrangea, primula ~ for colour and fatsia for luxurious leaves.
3 Jan, 2011
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One idea could be the evergreen dwarf Nandina . . . colourful red, green and bronze leaves all year, tiny white flowers and red berries.
1 Jan, 2011