Field voles have deimated my lawn and the recent snow has caused their tunnels to collapse
By Amiles
United Kingdom
Field voles have decimated my lawn and the recent snow has caused their tunnels to collapse. How can I best repair the damage and ensure there is no recurrence?
3 Jan, 2011
Mole hunting runs are easy to identify - a raised line of turf, sometimes a bit broken, approx 6-inches wide, and when you put your foot on it, it collapses, and treads down easily. Vole runs tend to be in long tussocky grass, through the base of the tussock, and too small to collase the soil structure. Suspect, as MG hints, that it may be moles. But, we stand to be corrected. I don't mind my lawn being carved up, being more tolerant than most, I suspect, but there are some clever men out there with the specialist skills and kit to sort the problem. Not for me, though, I happen to like moles! Worthy
3 Jan, 2011
Plus, to repair the damage, probably easiest to rake the area over lightly, just to knock off the uneven bits, and top-dress with a finely sieved topsoil (feed later, in the spring), to even out the dips and hollows. Then leave it to recover in its own time. Little you can do at the moment while it's still as cold as it is. I've certainly noticed a lot of mole activity recently. As the frost has left the ground, the soil is movable again and worms are available. Worthy
3 Jan, 2011
Hi Amiles and welcome to GoY. Are you sure it is not moles? Copy and paste the link below into your web browser, it gives you clear info on how to decide if you have voles or moles and how to deal with them.
3 Jan, 2011