By Ghlj
United Kingdom
I have bought a house with an established urban garden in west Norfolk with at least some Mediterranean plants (a fig, mulberry and olive trees and a vine trellis).However, there are many plants I cannot identify. Has anyone any advice how I can do this? Any advice or book recommendations would be gratefully received.
2 Jan, 2011
Welcome to GOY. I agree with the advice given by Anchorman. If you have photos to show us you will be given accurate advice for even less well known plants. I have seen photos of a part of a garden with lots of plants and all of them being id'd.
3 Jan, 2011
Is there a nursery garden (nursery garden NOT garden center) nearby? Then ask the nurseryman to call by and have a look at them. Remember to buy some plants off him afterwards. You could also join a local garden club and invite members for a garden visit.
3 Jan, 2011
Post photos here - likely we'll know what they are, but make sure you show leaf/stem detail as well as an overall picture of the shrub or plant. Nothing most of us like more than an ID question, lol!
3 Jan, 2011
I'd say you've hit the nail on the head there Bamboo! lol :o)
3 Jan, 2011
'Tis a very satisfying feeling when one gives a correct identification of a plant. Some people have been known to call the feeling 'smug self satisfaction' but we just ignore folks like that!
3 Jan, 2011
oh dont ignore me please Owdboggy :o)
I love trying to id things and I do get a warm glow when others agree.
welcome to GoY too.
3 Jan, 2011
Maybe we could have them as a kind of blog/quiz?
5 Jan, 2011
Gosh, you're hard on yourself there, Owdboggy - nothing wrong with the warm glow Seaburngirl mentions. Although as far as I'm concerned, it's just another thing to be solved - I'm afraid my mindset is that of a problem solver, regardless of the type of 'problem'. No 'problems', I'm bored, terrible isn't it...
5 Jan, 2011
I think Owdboggy was being tongue in cheek as he clearly enjoys the challenge of correctly id-ing. :o))
and no its not terrible to need challenge bamboo.
5 Jan, 2011
Well, when you put it like that, it doesn't sound quite so bad, Seaburngirl, lol
5 Jan, 2011
Many thanks for all your helpful suggestions which I will be following up. I was fascinated to see how the messages became entwined. All part of the floral scene I suppose?
5 Jan, 2011
How tactful of you, Ghlj - rambling and wandering's probably nearer the mark, lol.
5 Jan, 2011
"The Tree and Shrub Expert " by Dr D.G.Hessayon has a good list of all the common shrubs/trees to be found in UK gardens. It lists flowering time,size,position/ pruning and propagation techniques in a veey simple and clear way and there is a photo of every tree.
There are other books in the series covering flowers,houseplants etc.
They are inexpensive an imo invaluable.
If you want more complex stuff check out the RHS Encyclopaedias of plants and flowers.
In the spring/summer (or for some plants even now) just take a photo add it here and you'll soon know what you've got
3 Jan, 2011