By Mather88
United Kingdom
Is it possible to re-use the soil from last year's tomato bags, or should I just throw it away?
4 Jan, 2011
My view exactly mg.
4 Jan, 2011
If you have compost bins Mather88 you could also add it to there, Thats what i do...
4 Jan, 2011
Thank you for your answers.
4 Jan, 2011
Better to put on the soil than in the compost bin...
4 Jan, 2011
Dont throw it away ! It can be used as a mulch around precious plants, like Arum lilies, or dug into your veg.patch or compost it, its good stuff.
5 Jan, 2011
I like it in my bins, especially if there's too much green...Just my opinion..
5 Jan, 2011
I agree Youngd. it adds another important layer to the bins.
5 Jan, 2011
Gardening Which? recently published a report on this very subject and infact as long as you add some slow release fertiliser it works really well.
In some cases growth was even better second time round.
Great news for me and the other skinflints out there!
11 Jan, 2011
Previous question
Just spread it out over the soil. You can't use it to grow your tomatoes again as there will not be enough nutriments in it but it will be fine as a mulch.
4 Jan, 2011