By Ad_brad
United Kingdom
I have 3 evergreen conifers planted in close proximity in my back garden and wish for them to be moved further apart. Is it too early to be moving these types of trees still? Thankyou
4 Jan, 2011
Also depends on size...
4 Jan, 2011
..make the new holes first, add lots of compost and make it larger than you think you'll need (it will still be too small!!). Remember to water the trees for the whole of the summer, not just at the start. Maybe choose to move the smallest 2?
5 Jan, 2011
You can do that job whenever the weather is appropriate - the ground's not frozen, not waterlogged, and you're able to prepare the new planting spot properly, so if that's next week, that's fine.
5 Jan, 2011
Thanks for all your help & advice. I think I'll wait a little longer so there will be no risk of frost as temps are still dropping below 0 at night
26 Jan, 2011
If stuff needs moving, I do it when it suits me usually. However, probably best in mid-spring or autumn, with a good root ball, and a bit of prep, and a damned good watering in when planted. Worthy
4 Jan, 2011