By Pamsco
What kind of soil do you fill larger containers with? I am investing in 3 large half whiskey barrels to grow herbs and salads in, they will be nearer the kitchen and easier to tend. What I don't know is what kind of soil do you fill them with - general purpose compost?
5 Jan, 2011
As you are growing salads etc, I would use multi p.c. and put plenty of crocs for drainage in the bottom, I use old broken terracotta pots that have been got at by the frost!
5 Jan, 2011
for a lighter croc I use broken up polystyrene that comes in the packing with electrical goods.
5 Jan, 2011
I do the same as Sbg ... we used to have a 'half-barrel' which I put bulbs in beneath the other plants ... chunks of polystyrene at the bottom really saved on the amount of soil/compost. Many nurseries and GC's sell bedding plants grown in polystyrene containers so keep them for future 'crock' in pots.
5 Jan, 2011
Brilliant thanks - we've just moved in this year so we have loads of low density polythene foam we used for packing. This should work the same broken up, wizard! I hate sending stuff like that to the landfill!
I was planning a rosemary in the centre which I would keep small surrounded by compatible herbs so I should mix in the no2.
Thanks for the answers and the recycling inspirATION!
5 Jan, 2011
I use this for drainage as well,and to save on compost too,as its just a waste if growing shallow rooted plants or bedding. I never throw any away,and have loads of it in the loft,ready to replace some of the old stuff...Gardeners are the very best at recycling...:o))
5 Jan, 2011
You're spot on there, Bloomer, we are good at recycling and re-using - I always keep old fridge shelves, and the glass to use in the garden - even the salad containers from the bottom were pressed into service for potting purposes...
5 Jan, 2011
I am a fanatical hoarder of anything I think can be re used too,Bamboo,..and they always seem to come in,at some point..When I get to a stage when the plastic plant pots get far too many,we take them to to National Trust office,in Marsden, the next village,for their annual plant fair.Marsden Moor is owned by the NT,so they use the money to help to replace the Heathers on the Moor..
Our local garden centre also has a recycling area for them,and they give away lots of trays etc,which are useful too.
6 Jan, 2011
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Multi purpose compost will do fine, but I'd be inclined to mix it half and half with John Innes No 2, which is loam based, although that will make the tubs heavier to shift about if you need to. It's basically down to what you're growing in them - were you having permanent, large shrubs, I'd tell you to use John Innes on its own.
5 Jan, 2011