By Faz
United Kingdom
I am looking for a compact fruit tree either apple or pear
Any ideas
Oh has anyone any ideas on what to grow under conifers
14 Jan, 2011
Agree with Spritzhenry. Other plants which should be OK under conifers are Alchemilla mollis, Epimedium and Brunnera.
14 Jan, 2011
Hi Faz ...You may need more than one compact apple or pear tree. Some need a pollinator, preferably in the same garden. You can look in the ABC at the foot of this screen or Google pollinators for apples and pears and browse for variety too. A good pear for ripening and juicy eating is Williams. I find apples more fickle than pears on cropping and taste.
15 Jan, 2011
we've family apple trees in the garden and they are very successful ( we've been here 25 years and didn't plant them) there are 2 or 3 varieties grafted onto dwarfing rootstock and will pollinate each other
It must be where we are Dorjac, my williams suffers in late frosts ( wonderful when we get them) but the apples are fine but there are many apple trees locally in gardens
15 Jan, 2011
Hi Pamg. I didn't really know what is meant by 'compact' apple tree. Or how big is 'compact'?. It's a lottery about frost and success of any fruit trees giving a decent crop, in any given year. I have one out of ten small apples and pears in a herbaceous border that refuses to make blossom even!!!!! I have planted a clematis to go up it, to show who in charge. Too old to go digging it up.
15 Jan, 2011
gosh how disappointing Dorjac-- how about a large dose of tomato fertiliser -- or give it a good talking too!:o))
16 Jan, 2011
I've spoken to her Pam, but Charlotte takes no heed. She tosses her head and says I ain't going to bloom for you! Her pear and apple pals on either side fruited so well in 2010 too. If you want apples and pears on small trees prepare for pests, and provocation. No blossom, no set, or a huge June drop or tent caterpillars (while on holiday). After 40 odd years of growing cordons, ballerinas and pyramids on dwarf rooting stock; I am still trying. I put sticky stuff on each 'trunk' and support last autumn. Cor what a messy job, another enemy...... winter moth!
16 Jan, 2011
the 'oldies' here do well considering their age but next door must have about 20 fruit trees-- some have been replaced but many look as old as mine so we have good pollination, I've just planted some new ones a bramley seedling, an apple calld 'scrumptios' a self fertile cherry called 'sweetheart' ( the stella took 10 years to fruit!!so i'll be an old gal!) and a golden gage so we'll see what the next few years bring but I must learn how to prune them --properly-- !
16 Jan, 2011
Thanks to everyone for the replys, will take it all on board
17 Jan, 2011
We did have a garden once with HUGE pears trees, a couple of beaten up old apple trees, a ring of 20 trees on dwarf rooting stock in the orchard and a row of 10 cordons in the top garden. Mostly they fruited well but winter moth was a terrible problem on small pear trees. Where we live now, Pamg, is small gardens 50 foot long and I reckon we are the only ones around here who grow fruit trees seriously, prune with experience, and try to deal with pests. I like to mix herbaceous border and fruit. Hope our comments have been helpful Faz.
18 Jan, 2011
you do very well to grow fruit in a small space and theres nothing like picking an apple and eating it thereand then it tastes completly different if left for only a short while in the fruit bowl
18 Jan, 2011
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Compact apple trees would be grafted onto a compact rootstock - ask at your local Nursery for M9 - the 'M' stands for 'Malling'.
Under conifers is one of the most difficult places for plants to grow happily. The roots draw out the nutrients from the soil, and it's often dry there too, plus of course the shadow. You could try Geranium macrorrhizum, Symphytum 'Hidcote Pink' or Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae there, or Vinca. They all tend to spread.
14 Jan, 2011