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By Fifi

North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do i prune this or not if i do when? It still has lots of blooms on it and i'm not sure at all what to do with it. THe garden is looking really bare and to honest abit messy and unloved where we have cut things back and flowers are dying off. It will be a shame to lose the purple colours and the butterflies :~(



Just dead head it and wait 'til flowers stop blooming , reduce it late Autumn then prune it hard in Spring, continue to enjoy it now.

8 Sep, 2008


thanks i will do, when a prune it well how far back do i go to the what looks like dead wood or just above the butterflies have been beautiful

8 Sep, 2008


i think the books say prune to one third, but my wife has just pruned one of ours very hard indeed, down to about 2 1/2 feet , but it will grow back next year, they are very hardy.didn't see many butterflies this year.

9 Sep, 2008


If you wish you can cut Buddleja to a stump and it will still come back well.

9 Sep, 2008


Wyeboy :if i do this will it improve it and make it bush abit i think it could do with a good lop don't think its had one for a long time the people who had the house before us have maaintained the garden to a degree but both have recently had ops which left them a bit incapacitated and unable to do to much.

Steve: I'm sorry to hear that you haven't seen that many we have had loads not meaning to rub it in they have been very varied and lovely in colour, A lot of people have commented that the wet weather may have badly effected them by washing away the catapillas having said that i haven't seen the catapillas just the end result. Hopfully you'll see an improvment next year.

Thanks to you both for getting back to me :~)

By the way how i's the weather with you its raining badly here and no sign of a let up.

9 Sep, 2008


You can start off again and you will find you will have a lot of young fresh growth in the Spring.

9 Sep, 2008

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