Identifying weeds 2
By Peter
United Kingdom
Two in a series of four.
Anyone know what this is?
Thanks for the help.

28 Jan, 2008
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like spritz not sure on the name, but it has spikes of pink flowers in the summer which then release thousands of flying seeds (by this i mean like dandilions) best get them out at this stage.
28 Jan, 2008
Thanks :o) it would be good to know what it is, but in the mean time I'll get the trowel I received for Christmas out :o) Maybe overkill, but I've not had chance to use it yet.
28 Jan, 2008
In response to Majeeka's reply, I keep thinking of (rosebay) willowherb, but I don't think that this is the name you're looking for, is it?
29 Jan, 2008
No, this one stays close to the ground,and it's an annual, while the willowherbs go upwards and are perennials! (They are also MUCH more difficult to remove, I haven't managed it yet) Can't find its name in either my weed book or wild flower books because I haven't allowed it to flower - so I don't know what it looks like!!!!!
29 Jan, 2008
Thanks for looking. Is it strange to put weeds in pots to see what they turn in to?
29 Jan, 2008
up to you Peter but i would'nt - because it won't matter where it's planted when it sets seed - they will fly everywhere - you'll be forever pulling them out. and i have no idea what it is called David - pesty pink weed maybe?lol
29 Jan, 2008
This weed looked familiar so have just been out to check - yes, we have it! We've never left it long enough to flower. Perhaps keeping one in a pot just long enough to flower, for ID purposes, is not so strange, Peter, you should maybe try it.
30 Jan, 2008
I think it might be bugle (ajuga)
31 Jan, 2008
No, it's not bugle. I checked my wild flower book but couldn't find it in there
31 Jan, 2008
It's willowherb, but not rose-bay - epilobium alpestre, I think. It can get to be a multiple rosette, with an crown (where root joins stem) which is brittle so when you pull the top comes off but the root stays in, and more rosettes form. The leaves on up the flower stem are different to the basal rosette, and more like typical willowherb leaves. Easy to pull when single and young - get 'em out, otherwise - one year's seed is seven years' weed!
11 Apr, 2013
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« Please can you help? I found plenty of 'weeds' in my garden yesterday but...
Sorry name won't come to mind, but it pulls out easily - an annual. I'll try to track it down.
28 Jan, 2008