By Tilly3006
United Kingdom
Is there a suitable tall houseplant to grow in a cold south facing porch? Our previous one had to be moved due to the leaves being scorched by the summer sun.
22 Jan, 2011
Worst conditions for any plant, really - roasting in the summer, subject to cold draughts every time the door's opened in winter. Certain Palms would probably tolerate this fairly well, but they always spread out too much to be useful in a small porch.
22 Jan, 2011
Grandimage, sorry if i didnt make myself clear, the porch is south facing and hot in the summer but very cold in the winter. its not big enough to over winter half hardy plants as its not very big. So i was really looking for just one large tree type plant i could put in there. Bamboo, thanks for answering every one of my questions today. Much appreciated.
22 Jan, 2011
How about a Ficus, which grows to 4 or 5 ft? The ordinary one has dark, shiny leaves, or there is also a pretty, smaller one with variegated leaves. Enjoys the occasional "misting".
22 Jan, 2011
Ooh, no, Sheilabub - the one thing Ficus loathe and detest (especially the smaller leaved varieties like F. benjamina) is cold draughts, they drop their leaves at the first hint of a change in temperature.
22 Jan, 2011
I used to have a "whatnot" (tall, narrow free standing set of shelves) with a cascade of spider plants on. I had a south facing porch too and they were the only survivors.
22 Jan, 2011
Oh, Ok Bamboo . . . I bow to your superior knowledge! must admit, I only ever had one in a temperate lounge . .
22 Jan, 2011
what about a false cast of oil plant they look a bit like house plants but tolerate cold realy well and there ever green ?
22 Jan, 2011
I think you mean Fatsia, Noseypotter, don't you - it likes cooler, shady conditions, unfortunately... I did think about suggesting one of those brilliant but very expensive fake plants, often bay - some are so good you actually have to try to break a leaf to see if it's real or not, but I'm sure the hot summer sun would bleach out the colour.
22 Jan, 2011
I had a Fatsia and it baked to death one Easter weekend...
22 Jan, 2011
I have a Ficus benjamina...15 years old the hall, Bamboo. It's very temperamental to draughts. Every winter it drops some leaves in the winter months but this year it's dropped well over half! Do they suddenly 'give up the ghost' I wonder...after 15 years? There is obviously central heating in the hall...and a porch outside of that...but it still seems to be suffering. It is near the front door though...:-(((
22 Jan, 2011
Jasminum officinale - it needs support though, because it grows very tall. It will give lovely scented flowers aswell. It won't mind the heat nor the cold as long as it doesn't get frosty.
22 Jan, 2011
How about the good old money plant as I call it, although Tilly your porch is the same as mine and I empty it for summer, because of the heat. The winter is good, to keep geraniums there and they continue to flower all through the cold season, lovely. I grow melons in my porch during the summer, the smell is delicious when they ripen!
22 Jan, 2011
Maybe a Waxleaf Privet (Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum')?
22 Jan, 2011
lots of food for thought there everyone.Thanks. I guess i need to do a bit of googling now to look up all the suggestions! thanks again!
23 Jan, 2011
Tilly it wont be 'cold' in the summer surely, will it? Mine is south facing and I have to empty it for the hot summer months as it gets unbearable out there, but I enjoy filling it for the winter months, with geraniums, cyclamens and half hardy plants that need winter protection.
22 Jan, 2011