By Weemidge
United Kingdom
I have 6 red cordyline plants in large pots - 3 appear okay but remaining 3 have wilted to say the least-the middle of them seem soft and mushy-think this must be frost-kept them in a gazebo from October and watered them -are they a lost cause -I have removed loose leaves by hand but dont't know whether to bring outside as its still cold here (West Scotland)
- 23 Jan, 2011
Previous question
« I'm fairly sure this is a Hebe, It looks like it may be a common variety, but...
If any of the trunks or stems have soggy, rotting areas, you need to cut back past that point. Otherwise, best left alone till Spring, and if you've had them inside, probably best to keep them there till the weather warms a bit later on, and then harden them off before leaving outside once more.
24 Jan, 2011