Gazina Plants
By Scotkat
Can these be overwintered?
Bought these delightful plants for MIL tubs and they have given a wonderful display all summer even if we have not had a summer.
10 Sep, 2008
So if lift them from her tubs and repot into smaller pots and leave ongreenhose during winter .
10 Sep, 2008
I leave mine in the garden - but they will die below 0 centrigrade, and definitely don't like the winter wet. They are easy to take cuttings from now and these can be overwintered in the greenhouse. I had one Gazania Magic plant from which I now have nine sturdy plants ready for next year.
10 Sep, 2008
Thankyou Margaret shall definitely try this method.
10 Sep, 2008
i bought some Gazania tigerstripe last year and some didn't survive a north east winter but most did and thrived I am going to split them and plant some against a west facing fence and some among the shelter of surrounding shrubs.
The ones which survived the best seemed to be sheltered from the worst of the winds so I may pot up a couple and winter them in the greenhouse.
Good luck
10 Sep, 2008
I have two greenhouses one of which unheated other my husband put heating it this yr so only for using Feb -March.
Also have conservatory so coudl try some of them as a houseplant.
10 Sep, 2008
How do you take cuttings off them, please?
10 Sep, 2008
Good question Spritz, you learn something everyday in gardening.
11 Sep, 2008
Ah, but am I going to get an answer?
11 Sep, 2008
Shall try to take cuttingfs tomorrow at my MIL onher plants.
Never taken cuttings form these before be a hit or a miss so to speak.
12 Sep, 2008
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Gazanias are typically greenhouse started so I'd say they can be but they may get spindly or stop flowering. Expect that if there isn't enough sunlight. In spring, cut them back and harden them off, they should come back nicely. Oh and don't overwater them in the winter.
10 Sep, 2008