Vinca and White Delphiniums
By Margaretb
United Kingdom
Any suggestions on what to grow between Vinca minor atropurpurea and White Delphiniums?
10 Sep, 2008
Thanks. I'll look up both of these suggestions and maybe put them on my plants wanted list.
10 Sep, 2008
How about some Alchemilla mollis near the front, too? Its greeny-frothy flowers and rounded leaves would make a wonderful contrast. Or you could grow some green Tobacco plants from seed or plug plants (annuals) and plant them in between.
10 Sep, 2008
Thanks a lot! I'm now spoilt for choice!
11 Sep, 2008
I am looking for Asphodelus acaulis. Can anyone help me please.
7 Oct, 2009
Salvia nemerosa 'Ostfriesland' or S. 'Caradonna' - both a lovely deep purple with long flowering seasons as long as you keep dead-heading! They would be the right (medium) height and echo the spires of the Delphiniums.
10 Sep, 2008