By Janey
I have grown two dozen pale pink carnations from pipings, they are now ready for planting out but would I plant them now with Winter coming or should I keep them potted up in the greenhouse till Spring?
10 Sep, 2008
Thanks for replying Spritz, ah, they were from cut flowers from a florist. I was surprised that they rooted so well and easily, but it looks as though I'll have to over winter them there in the greenhouse. That'll be quite nice to have them flowering in there next year, especially if we have a rainy summer again!
11 Sep, 2008
Yes, I liked having a bit of colour in the winter/spring. Be prepared for them to grow TAAAALL as the flower stems come, and of course you'll need to stake them! I only gave up because I needed the space in the greenhouse.
11 Sep, 2008
Ha...ha will do, looking forward to them tho!!
11 Sep, 2008
If they are "florists" varieties then they will probably not be hardy enough to go in the garden. They always look nice but the disappointment comes when you sniff them ... I bet they have no scent - a waste in my humble opinion.
Can I suggest if you want some for cut flowers you go on they BNCS website and they have loads of articles about the various types and which ones have a scent. They also list some supliers.
Some of my favourites are Crompton Classic, Crompton Princess, Doris allwood and Jess Hewins all of them with a good scent.
(mind you I'm biased towards scented plants 8-) )
13 Oct, 2008
Thanks Nick, Yes the same for me, the only point with carnations or pinks is their clovey scent. It's a shame as they are such strong healthy far they are still in pots, but when I have a container free, I shall plant them in it and keep them in the greenhouse...I've a lot of space right now.
14 Oct, 2008
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Did you grow them from plants already in your garden, or from cut flowers from florists? To be honest, Janey, I have given up on the latter. I used to get great success in rooting them, but they never did well once planted out. I read that they are specially bred for large glasshouse growth, which explains it. I tried keeping them in the greenhouse and letting them flower in there for cutting - that worked well. However, I have thought about your question and think that it's probably a bit late to plant them out - especially if there's more rain on the way. I'd keep them safe in a coldframe or cool greenhouse until spring if they were mine.
11 Sep, 2008