United Kingdom
I am planting some montbretia in my garden under some climbing roses against a wall. What can I grow with them to suit? The montbretia I am planting is called Lucifer. I am in. Southern England
1 Feb, 2011
Whatever you do plant, bear in mind you may need to dig up the Crocosmia Lucifer probably every couple of years and discard some of the bulbs - otherwise they tend to take over. If its a sunny spot, consider Lavender, or Potentilla fruticosa, yellow or cream flowered.
1 Feb, 2011
I love Lucifer one of my faves. plant it and enjoy, the flowers are superb, put it towards the back of a border as they are quite tall. You could plant Irises, aliums, daffodils, tulips, crocus, & snowdrops.
1 Feb, 2011
I am going to plant Helenium Autumn with mine. Although Lucifer is quite tall. I saw this combination in a GOY garden. I will go and check. Watch this space. lol
1 Feb, 2011
I thought I had put the photograph into my favourites, but I didn't. I have the shorter more orange Montbretia. It comes out late in the season so you will have to consider plants that flower later on. How about blue Agapanthus, it is tall and would go with the rich red of Lucifer.
1 Feb, 2011
How about a wispy grass such as Stipa tennuissima or bronze fennel? Beware of the Lucifer becoming 'horizontalis'!! Mine is in a bit of shade and not very upright!
2 Feb, 2011
I usually have to tie mine up too, although sometimes it grows up through other plants for support. Mine is next to some tall grasses.You didn't say what colour the rose is CB.
2 Feb, 2011
Previous question
I have a penstemmon with a colour virtually identical to Lucifer and it flowers for 5 bmonths. Sorry don't know its name
1 Feb, 2011