By Petertoone
United Kingdom
This is not a question, more a state of mind.
Watched the film Chicken Run. Felt guilty at keeping the chickens locked up. Released them, they ran into the road and caused traffic chaos. Result, massive legal bill. Five dead chickens. Busy making chicken pies. Phoned Polish man up. Price of chickens has gone up. Facing financial ruin. Afraid to watch any more children's films. Pray Polish man brings chickens before Jackie gets home or it will be Peter Pie.

3 Feb, 2011
Oh this is HILARIOUS Peter, I'm cracking up at all the visuals this has created, but should I be laughing is what I want to know? What % is funny & what % is damage? And as an animal lover I should'nt laugh but that poor chickens leg ---- - - - ??!!?!?!?!
A few minuts ago I just added a little to my profile & mentioned 'sense of humour' & then I read this !!! LOL ;-)))
3 Feb, 2011
LOL! What a catastrophe! I do hope you got out of this with your life Peter!! :))
3 Feb, 2011
Aarrgghh!! Sorry, Peter, but I have to agree! For you, it's a personal disaster, but for unknowing observers, it's a Monty Python skit! I commiserate, and hope for a better rest of the year for you, and keep my mouth carefully covered. : }
3 Feb, 2011
And you were out there with a camera!!!!!
When I was a kid, the bloke at the top of our close let his chickens roam, but my cat soon put a stop to that!
3 Feb, 2011
Polish man arrived with five chickens. Thirty Euros each. What is a Euro? When I went into hospital it was Pounds sterling. I said, "I haven't got any euros". He said, "My friends a banker". I misheard him and said, "So are you". He hit me right on the chin. I haggled and settled for £109. He left the chickens on the patio. I waited for Jackie to come home. Told her I'd made a chicken pie.
Then tried to put chickens safely in coop. Would they go? Would they hellaslike. The ungrateful b******s.
Not only that I can see Reynard poking his nose through the hedge. At my wits end.
3 Feb, 2011
Well clearly not at your wits' end, Peter, you're being extremely witty...
3 Feb, 2011
Please write the book Peter, what a belly laugh it would be - - - still cracking me up !!
3 Feb, 2011
Ha...Ha!! Haven't laughed so much in ages....carry on the sketch Peter.....looking forward to next comment...:o)))
3 Feb, 2011
Does jackie suspect Fowl play.
3 Feb, 2011
I certainly do ¦:-)
4 Feb, 2011
I really shouldn`t be laughing but really cannot help it.....
4 Feb, 2011
Oh my, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help laughing, you've made it so funny. How awful...
I had a customer who couldn't bear to keep his rabbit locked up - he lost 6 in succession to foxes over a year and then gave up keeping one.
3 Feb, 2011