United Kingdom
Our wallflowers have been eaten by something. Any idea what and what we can do about it next year? They have been completely decimated.
4 Feb, 2011
I've also got this problem. The wallflowers look as though they've been cut off at about 6" from the ground. They are still alive though and new shoots are forming on the stumps. I've got them on my allotment where we've had problems with deer and it looks very much like the damage they did to my vegetables. Could this be the cause?
14 Feb, 2011
Heather, this may well be the cause. Deer can certainly do terrible damage, but it is good that new shoots are forming.
It can be hard to pinpoint a diagnosis.
14 Feb, 2011
Have you got pictures of the damage, or could you describe the damage to be able to give the best diagnosis and best advice or treatment.
4 Feb, 2011