Hi,I have a cordyline which was had started to rot from the top of the tree down
By Franner
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all, it's been a long while since I've been on here but I'd just like to give you an update on the cordyline that I cut the middle out of. It rotted and started oozing orange gue out of the bottom of the trunk after that really cold winter. Initially I only took out the middle leaves but when the goo started seeping from the bottom go the trunk I decided to just cut it down, with much trepidation as to whether it would ever come back!
Well, I'm very pleased to tell you all that it did come back from the root stock like someone suggested it might, I have about 5 new sets of leaves that are all about 2 a 3 foot high now. None of them have turned to 'bark' yet - if that's the right word but its looking very healthy. I'll definitely be tying it up for the winter considering how well it has come back.
Thanks to all of you who helped with its return to health!!
6 Feb, 2011
Thanks again! I might try tying the remaining leaves up to protect the trunk then. I have another in a pot that I did that with when we had the really strong winds as it was blowing all over the place and it seems to have kept the majority of the rain out of the centre too.
6 Feb, 2011
they dont like to much water either so thats good . a happy accident and again your welcome franner .
7 Feb, 2011
Previous question
« I noticed that some members had discussed the apparent "death" of the cabbage...
it definatly wont hurt to cover it as winter is still here but just keep an eye on it .
6 Feb, 2011