By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi All
I have about 20 south African bulbs that are growing quite happily in my greenhouse to the point where my Cyrtanthus obliquus is going to flower the problem I have is weeds in the pots are also starting to spout how can I remove them without disturbing these bulbs too much I have tried pulling them but they come back so would removing the soil around the bulbs a few inch help without disturbing them too much and replacing help
7 Feb, 2011
These have been in the same pots about 2 years and have only come into flower or going to over the summer the reason I thought that they would sulk and not flower if I changed pots I suppose that it would be possible to change without disturbing the roots too much
7 Feb, 2011
They are bulbs, Steve, so repot when they are dormant, just the same as any other bulbs. They will not have active roots then and will not notice any change.
7 Feb, 2011
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As grass etc. is easy to pull out you must mean things like dandelion seedlings, Steve, with long tap roots. Rather than disturb the compost more than necessary I use a pair of tweezers and push the arms down each side of the root. Bits of root may break off but presumably you repot the bulbs regularly and the roots just get left in the old compost.
7 Feb, 2011