Kent, United Kingdom
I anybody out there, I need to ask a question?? because my garden space is so limited, I though I would put some gladioli in pots, becase they are sprouting in the bags, I thought I had better plant them, is it too early, should I leave them out in the pot, or keep them in the garage, AND what can I plant on top pansies or can you suggest something else, thankyou one and all, x
- 9 Feb, 2011
Sensible advice from Volunteer. How about planting allysum or lobelia to fill the space at the foot of your Gladiolas. You can buy fast seeds now which are sown from March where you want them to grow. There are other annuals in the same range.
9 Feb, 2011
If you put them in pots you can keep them in a g'house or in a sheltered spot up against the house on the south side if possible. A low trailing plant would be best to accompany them but it's too early for summer bedding although you could add this later. Pansies would do the job.
9 Feb, 2011